Duns garage hit in double botched break-ins

Three men broke into Louise Aitken-Walker's car showroom early yesterday morning, but left empty-handed. Two returned later, but the owners were on-site by then.Three men broke into Louise Aitken-Walker's car showroom early yesterday morning, but left empty-handed. Two returned later, but the owners were on-site by then.
Three men broke into Louise Aitken-Walker's car showroom early yesterday morning, but left empty-handed. Two returned later, but the owners were on-site by then. | Other 3rd Party
The same three men are suspected to have been involved in break-ins to businesses in Lanarkshire and Duns early yesterday morning.

The first incident happened around midnight on Wednesday, January 29, at The Apple Pie Bakery on Biggar Road, Carnwath.

Entry was forced into the premises through the front door by three men, who then left empty handed in a black Ford Mondeo with registration EA02 VGX.

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A second incident took place between 1am and 2am on the same day at Aitken Walkers Cars on Berwick Road, Duns ... 68 miles away.

The same three men gained entry by smashing the glass front door and again left empty-handed, this time in a red vehicle.

Around 4am, two of the men returned to Aitken Walker Cars and enquired about fuel to the business owners, who were by now at the premises.

Both men then left in the black Ford Mondeo, which was found in a nearby field shortly after.

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The three suspects are described as men, all wearing black with their faces covered and speaking in a Glasgow accent.

One of the men is said to have a moustache and was wearing a blue cap.

Detective Constable Narelle Allan, of Galashiels CID, said: “These incidents happened within a few hours of each other and thankfully no one has been injured as a result.

“The owners of the businesses have been left shaken and we would ask anyone with any information to come forward.

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“If you have noticed anyone matching these descriptions or acting suspiciously in the areas then please get in touch.

“I would also ask anyone who may have dashcam footage or may have seen either of these vehicles to contact officers.”

Police Scotland can be contacted on 101 quoting incident number 0169 of January 29.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.